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kerala design homes is committed to providing you with the best possible service in the building consultancy profession. We have listed below the Scope of Works included in our service.


A. Site Plan
Existing Site Boundaries with the North Direction Indicated- Location of the Structure within the site.
B. Center-line Diagram
Center-line along which masonry is constructed-Marking the plan during setting out.
C. Ground Floor Plan
Layout of Rooms in the Ground Floor with basic furniture positions
D. First Floor Plan
Layout of Rooms in the First Floor with basic furniture positions
E. Roof Plan
Profile of the roof showing direction of slope and water tank.
F. Front Elevation
Front View of the Structure
G. Side Elevation
Side View of the Structure
H. Section XX
Longitudinal Section of the Structure through Staircase
I. Section YY
Cross Section of the Structure through Staircase
J. 3D Perspective View
Computer Generated Eye Level Perspective View

View Complete Set of Sample Drawing

Mode of Payment

Payment for our services can be made as Online Transfer or Cheque Deposit in favour of-
to the following Bank Current Account from anywhere in the World

State Bank of Travancore
Karukachal Branch, Kerala, India.
Premnath kv
Current Account No. 70417962
P. Box No. 686540,